
The Network | Computational | Merge command adds a Merge module.


The Merge module combines two or more input lattices into a single uniform output lattice. The range and resolution of the output lattice may be specified. All input lattices should be in the same coordinate system. The maximum number of input lattices is currently limited to 5.



Lattice is the input type for the Merge module.



The Merge module creates a uniform lattice. It may be connected to the Graphics Output Modules or the Computational Modules. An Info Module may also be connected to the output node.



The Merge module properties are described below.

Select the Merge module in the Network Manager
to display its properties in the Property Manager.


The Merge module contains the following tabs in the Property Manager:



General Options

Choose the method used to merge the
multiple values from two or more lattices.

Input Lattice

The Input lattice A, Input lattice B, Input lattice C, Input lattice D, and Input lattice E properties show the source to which the module is connected. This option cannot be changed in the Property Manager, but can be changed in the Network Manager by changing the module input.


Resample Method

The Resample method sets the method used to calculate the output values from the input components. To change the method, click on the existing method and select the desired method from the list. Available options are Nearest neighbor and Trilinear.


Nearest neighbor applies the closest grid node value on the original grid to the grid node value in the output grid. This is the fastest resampling method, though it can result in distorted output if the original grid and output grid differ in size.


Trilinear interpolation uses a weighted average of eight input nodes to interpolate a new value. Some lattice node values in the original grid may be applied to more than one output lattice node; conversely, some of the input lattice nodes may not be used at all.


Overlap Method

The Overlap method specifies the method used to combine multiple values from overlapping input lattices. To change the method, click on the existing method and select the desired method from the list. A node is interpolated from each input grid and then combined using one of the following available methods: Average, Count, First, Last, Maximum, Median, or Minimum.


See Also

Merge Geometry





Connecting Modules

Computational Modules

Introduction to Modules