Tutorial Introduction

The tutorial is designed to introduce you to some of Voxler's basic features. After you have completed the tutorial, you should be able to begin to use Voxler with your own data. We strongly encourage completion of the tutorial before proceeding with Voxler. The lessons should be completed in order; however, they do not need to be completed in one session. The tutorial should take approximately one hour to complete.


In this tutorial, you will import data, link the data to modules, change properties, and save information. To open the tutorial, choose the Help | Tutorial command.


The following is an overview of the lessons included in the tutorial.


Starting Voxler shows how to start Voxler or open a new visualization network.


Lesson 1 -  Loading Data shows how to load data.

Lesson 2 - Creating Graphics Output Modules shows how to create a scatter plot of the data and how to add a bounding box.

Lesson 3 - Changing Properties shows how to change module properties and rotate the view.

Lesson 4 - Editing Linked Data in the Worksheet shows how to view a Data Source module's data in the worksheet window and how to edit the data.

Lesson 5 - Using Computational Modules shows how to create a uniform lattice from the point set, display the lattice as an isosurface, and filter data.

Lesson 6 - Connecting Multiple Modules shows how to connect multiple output modules to a single input module.

Lesson 7 - Saving Information shows how to save graphics, data, and a network.

Lesson 8 - Importing and Displaying Wells shows how to import well data, display the well data as a wellrender module, and modify the well render module properties.


The lessons should be completed in order; however, they do not need to be completed in one session.


Advanced Tutorials

Advanced Tutorial Lessons are available to demonstration additional features of Voxler. These tutorials are intended for beginner to advanced users.


A Note About the Documentation

Various font styles are used throughout the Voxler quick start guide and online help file. Bold text indicates windows, menu commands, dialog names, and page names. Italic text indicates items within a dialog or window such as modules, group box names, options, and field names. For example, the Save Geometry Data dialog contains a Save in drop down list. Bold and italic text may occasionally be used for emphasis.


Also, menu commands appear as View | Fit to Window. This means "click the View menu at the top of the program window, then click Fit to Window within the View menu list."


Using the Tutorial with the Demo Version

Some Voxler features are disabled in the demo version, which means that some steps in the tutorial cannot be completed by users running the demo version. This is noted in the tutorial and users are prompted to proceed to the next step.



See Also

Voxler User Interface

Voxler User Interface Overview

Introduction to Modules

Advanced Tutorial Lessons