Automation Example - Contours


This is an example for Contour.


' ContoursModule.bas

' This script loads a data file and adds a gridder module to it.

' It adds a contour to the gridder module.

' It then changes all the properties of the contours module.


'                                    -by SKP 4/2010



Sub Main


 'Declares VoxlerApp as an object

  Dim VoxlerApp As Object


 'Creates an instance of the Voxler application object

 'and assigns it to the variable named "VoxlerApp"

  Set VoxlerApp = CreateObject("Voxler.Application")


 'Make Voxler visible

  VoxlerApp.Visible = True


 'Access CommandApi

  Set CommandApi = VoxlerApp.CommandApi


 'Create a new Voxler document

  CommandApi.Construct ("New")



 'Load the data file


  CommandApi.Option("AutoConnect", "False")

  CommandApi.Option ("DefaultPosition", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("Path", VoxlerApp.Path+"\Samples\GoldConcentration.dat")

  CommandApi.Option ("Filter", "dat")

  CommandApi.Option ("Options", "Defaults=1;EatWhitespace=1;Delimiter=Space,tab,comma,semicolon;TextQualifier=doublequote,quote")

  CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "False")



 'Add a gridder module


  CommandApi.Option ("AutoConnect", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("SourceModule", "GoldConcentration.dat ")

  CommandApi.Option ("Type", "Gridder")



 'Grid the data



  CommandApi.Option("Gridder3DoIt", "true")



 'Add a contours module


  CommandApi.Option ("AutoConnect", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("SourceModule", "Gridder")

  CommandApi.Option ("Type", "Contours")



 'Change the contour component

  CommandApi.Construct ("ModifyModule")

  CommandApi.Option ("Module", "Contours")

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourComponent", "1")



 'Change the contour line width

 'This is a number between 0 and 4

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLineWidth", "1")



 'Change the contour Level Method

 'This is 0, 1, 2, or 3

 '0 sets it to Automatic, 1 sets it to Min, Max, Count,

 '2 sets it to Min, Max, Interval, 3 sets it to Explicit

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourSpacing", "1")



 'Change the contour minimum level

 'This is only available if ContourSpacing = 1 or 2

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourMinLevel", "0")



 'Change the contour maximum level

 'This is only available if ContourSpacing = 1 or 2

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourMaxLevel", "5")



 'Change the contour level number of levels

 'This is only available if ContourSpacing = 0 or 1

 'This is a number between 0 and 100

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourNumLevels", "10")



  Wait (2)


 'Change the contour Level Method

 'This is 0, 1, 2, or 3

 '0 sets it to Automatic, 1 sets it to Min, Max, Count,

 '2 sets it to Min, Max, Interval, 3 sets it to Explicit

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourSpacing", "2")



 'Change the contour level interval to 1

 'This is only available if ContourSpacing = 2

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLevelInterval", "1")



  Wait (2)


 'Change the contour Level Method

 'This is 0, 1, 2, or 3

 '0 sets it to Automatic, 1 sets it to Min, Max, Count,

 '2 sets it to Min, Max, Interval, 3 sets it to Explicit

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourSpacing", "3")



 'Change the explicit contour levels shown

 'This is only available if ContourSpacing = 3

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourExplicit", "1.2, 1.7, 2.1, 2.7, 3.4, 3.9, 4.2")



 'Change the color map for the contours

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourColormap", "Rainbow")



 'Show or hide the border around the edge of the contour map

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourBorderShow", "True")



 'Change the border thickness around the edge of the contour map

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourBorderWidth", "2.3")



 'Change the border color around the edge of the contour map

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourBorderColor", "Ruby Red")



 'Display the contour legend

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendEnable", "True")



 'Change the legend orientation

 '0 is for horizontal, 1 is for vertical

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendOrientation", "0")



 'Change the legend X position

 'Ranges from 0-1

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendXPos", "0.3")



 'Change the legend Y position

 'Ranges from 0-1

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendYPos", "0.9")



 'Change the legend width

 'Ranges from 0-200

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendWidth", "20")



 'Change the legend length

 'Ranges from 0-1024

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendLength", "400")



 'Change the legend title

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendTitle", "Legend Title")



 'Change the legend title font size

 'Ranges from 4-72

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendTitleHeight", "20")



 'Change the number of labels displayed in a legend

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendNumLabels", "3")



 'Change the legend to use custom labels

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendUseCustomLabels", "True")



 'Set the custom labels for the legend

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendCustomLabels", "1.7:low, 2.1:medium, 2.9:intermediate, 3.2:elevated, 3.7:high")



 'Set the height for the legend labels

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendLabelHeight", "8")



 'Set the label format type for the legend

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLabelFormatType", "0")



 'Set the number of digits to display on the labels

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLabelFormatNumDigits", "2")



 'Set the legend label prefix

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLabelFormatPrefix", "pre-")



 'Set the legend label postfix

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLabelFormatPostfix", "-post")



 'Set the legend font

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendFont", "Arial")



 'Turn on or off antialiasing for the legend

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendAntialias", "True")



 'Set the line and text color for the legend

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendFGColor", "Blue")



 'Set the background color for the legend

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendBGColor", "10% Gray")



 'Turn on or off the display of the legend background

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourLegendShowBackground", "True")



 'Change the cutting plane orientation

 'Value is 0, 1, 2, or 3 for XY Plane (Axial), XZ Plane (Coronal), YZ Plane (Sagittal), or Custom

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourPlaneOrientation", "2")



 'Change the X Normal Direction For the cutting plane

 'Only available if ContoursPlaneOrientation is set to 3

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourPlaneXNormal", "30")



 'Change the Y Normal Direction For the cutting plane

 'Only available if ContoursPlaneOrientation is set to 3

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourPlaneYNormal", "30")



 'Change the Z Normal Direction For the cutting plane

 'Only available if ContoursPlaneOrientation is set to 3

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourPlaneZNormal", "60")



 'Change the offset of the cutting plane from the center of the lattice

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourPlaneOffset", "-7.5")



 'Display the cutting plane dragger

  CommandApi.Option ("ContourPlaneShowDragger", "True")



End Sub




See Also

Automation Model

Contour module