Automation Example - LatticeFilter


This is an example for LatticeFilter.


' lattice filter.BAS

' This script creates a test lattice.

' It adds a filter and changes the properties of the filter.


'                                    -by SKP 4/2010



Sub Main

  'Declares VoxlerApp as an object

  Dim VoxlerApp As Object


 'Creates an instance of the Voxler application object

 'and assigns it to the variable named "VoxlerApp"

  Set VoxlerApp = CreateObject("Voxler.Application")


 'Make Voxler visible

  VoxlerApp.Visible = True


 'Access CommandApi

  Set CommandApi = VoxlerApp.CommandApi


' FilterModule.bas

' This script creates a function lattice.

' It adds a filter and changes the properties of the filter.


'                                    -by SKP 4/2010



Sub Main


  'Declares VoxlerApp as an object

  Dim VoxlerApp As Object


 'Creates an instance of the Voxler application object

 'and assigns it to the variable named "VoxlerApp"

  Set VoxlerApp = CreateObject("Voxler.Application")


 'Make Voxler visible

  VoxlerApp.Visible = True


 'Access CommandApi

  Set CommandApi = VoxlerApp.CommandApi


 'Create a new Voxler document

  CommandApi.Construct ("New")



 'Create a function lattice

  CommandApi.Construct ("CreateModule")

  CommandApi.Option("Type", "FunctionLattice")

  CommandApi.Option ("AutoConnect", "False")



 'Change the equations for the function lattice

  CommandApi.Construct ("ModifyModule")

  CommandApi.Option ("Module", "FunctionLattice")

  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeOutComps", "20")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp1", "(x-.5)*(x-.5) + (y-.5)*(y-.5) + (z-.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp2", "(x-.5) + (y-.5)*(y-.5) + (z-.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp3", "(x-.5) + (y-.5) + (z-.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp4", "(x-.5) + (y-.5) + (z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp5", "(x+.5)*(x+.5) + (y+.5)*(y+.5) + (z+.5)*(z+.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp6", "(x+.5) + (y+.5)*(y+.5) + (z+.5)*(z+.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp7", "(x+.5) + (y+.5) + (z+.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp8", "(x+.5)*(x-.5) + (y+.5)*(y-.5) + (z+.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp9", "x*(x+.5)*(x-.5) + (y+.5)*(y-.5) + (z+.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp10", "x*(x-.5)*(x-.5) + y*(y-.5)*(y-.5) + (z-.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp11", "x*(x-.5)*(x-.5) + y*(y-.5)*(y-.5) + z*(z-.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp12", "y*(x-.5)*(x-.5) + (y-.5)*(y-.5) + (z-.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp13", "(x-.5)*(x-.5) + x*(y-.5)*(y-.5) + (z-.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp14", "(x-.5)*(x-.5) + (y-.5)*(y-.5) + x*y*(z-.5)*(z-.5)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp15", "(x + y + z)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp16", "(x*x) + (y*y) + (z*z)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp17", "(x*2) + (2*y) + (2*z)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp18", "(x*2) + (2*y) + (2*z)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp19", "(x-2) + (2-y) + (2-z)")


  CommandApi.Option ("FunctionLatticeExprComp20", "(x+2) + (2*y) + (2+z)")



 'Add a filter to the test lattice

  CommandApi.Construct ("CreateModule")

  CommandApi.Option ("Type", "Filter")

  CommandApi.Option ("AutoConnect", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("SourceModule", "FunctionLattice")



 'Set the type of filter to apply to the lattice

 'Value is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

 'for 0=Average (Rectangular), 1=Average (Spherical), 2=Bounding, 3=Brightness & Contrast, 4=Central Moment,

 '5=Coeffiecient of Variation, 6=Distance, 7=Distance (inverse), 8=Distance 'Inf Norm', 9=Gamma Correction, 10=Gauss,

 '11=Histogram Equalization, 12=Interquartile Range, 13=Laplacian Edge Detect, 14=Maximum (dilation), 15=Mean Removal,

 '16=Median, 17=Median Difference, 18=Minimum (erosion), 19=Prewitt, 20=Quartile (lower), 21=Quartile (upper), 22=Range,

 '23=Rank, 24=Sobel Max, 25=Sobel Norm, 26=Standard Deviation, 27=Threshold Averaging, 28=Threshold Crossing,

 '29=Unsharp Mask, 30=Zero Crossing

  CommandApi.Construct ("ModifyModule")

  CommandApi.Option ("Module", "Filter")

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterFilter", "29")



 'Set the orientation of filter to apply to the lattice

 'Value is 0, 1, 2, 3

 'for XY Planes, XZ Planes, YZ Planes, 3D

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterOrientation", "2")



 'Set the edge handling for the filter to apply to the lattice

 'Value is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

 'for Blank, Ignore, Replicate, Mirror, Cyclic Wrap, Fill

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterEdge", "5")



 'Set the edge fill value for the filter to apply to the lattice

 'Only available when LatticeFilterEdge is set to 5

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterEdgeValue", "0.5")



 'Set the blank handling for the filter to apply to the lattice

 'Value is 0, 1, 2, 3

 'for Expanded, Leave Alone, Ignore, Fill

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterBlank", "3")



 'Set the blank fill value for the filter to apply to the lattice

 'Only available when LatticeFilterBlank is set to 3

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterBlankValue", "7")



 'Set the kernal size of the filter to apply to the lattice

 'Only available when LatticeFilterType is 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13,

 '14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterKernelSize", "5")



 'Set the first filter parameters

 'This is only available for LatticeFilterType = 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 27, 28, 29

 'For LatticeFilterType = 2, this is Lower Bound

 'For LatticeFilterType = 3, this is Brightness

 'For LatticeFilterType = 4, this is Power

 'For LatticeFilterType = 9, this is Gamma

 'For LatticeFilterType = 10, this is Alpha

 'For LatticeFilterType = 27, this is Threshold

 'For LatticeFilterType = 28, this is Threshold

 'For LatticeFilterType = 29, this is Alpha

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterParam0", "1.5")



 'Set the second filter parameters

 'This is only available for LatticeFilterType = 2, 3, 29

 'For LatticeFilterType = 2, this is Upper Bound

 'For LatticeFilterType = 3, this is Contrast

 'For LatticeFilterType = 29, this is c

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterParam1", "0.513")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 1

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp1", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 2

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp2", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 3

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp3", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 4

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp4", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 5

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp5", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 6

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp6", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 7

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp7", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 8

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp8", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 9

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp9", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 10

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp10", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 11

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp11", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 12

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp12", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 13

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp13", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 14

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp14", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 15

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp15", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 16

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp16", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 17

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp17", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 18

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp18", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 19

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp19", "True")



 'Turn on/off the filter for component 20

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeFilterComp20", "True")



End Sub



See Also

Automation Model
