Automation Example - LatticeResample


This is an example for LatticeResample.


' ResampleModule.bas

' This script creates a function lattice.

' It adds a resample module and changes the properties of the resample module.


'                                    -by SKP 4/2010



Sub Main


  'Declares VoxlerApp as an object

  Dim VoxlerApp As Object


 'Creates an instance of the Voxler application object

 'and assigns it to the variable named "VoxlerApp"

  Set VoxlerApp = CreateObject("Voxler.Application")


 'Make Voxler visible

  VoxlerApp.Visible = True


 'Access CommandApi

  Set CommandApi = VoxlerApp.CommandApi


 'Create a new Voxler document

  CommandApi.Construct ("New")



 'Create a function lattice

  CommandApi.Construct ("CreateModule")

  CommandApi.Option("Type", "FunctionLattice")

  CommandApi.Option ("AutoConnect", "False")



 'Add a merge module to the function lattice

  CommandApi.Construct ("CreateModule")

  CommandApi.Option ("Type", "Resample")

  CommandApi.Option ("AutoConnect", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("SourceModule", "FunctionLattice")



 'Turn on/off the "Calculate from Inputs" option

  CommandApi.Construct ("ModifyModule")

  CommandApi.Option ("Module", "Resample")

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleAuto", "False")



 'Set the X Axis minimum value

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleXMin", "0.2")



 'Set the X Axis maximum value

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleXMax", "0.6")



 'Set the Y Axis minimum value

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleYMin", "0.2")



 'Set the Y Axis maximum value

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleYMax", "0.6")



 'Set the Z Axis minimum value

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleZMin", "0.2")



 'Set the Z Axis maximum value

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleZMax", "0.6")



 'Set the number of nodes in the X direction

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleXNum", "30")



 'Set the number of nodes in the Y direction

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleYNum", "30")



 'Set the number of nodes in the Z direction

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleZNum", "30")



 'Set the resample method

 'Value is 0 or 1 for Nearest Neighbor or Trilinear

  CommandApi.Option ("LatticeResampleMethod", "1")



End Sub



See Also

Automation Model
