CommandApi Object


The CommandApi object contains all of the properties of the various modules in the Voxler program. CommandApi refers to the accessing the commands from the Application programming interface. Using the CommandApi object requires accessing the property with the Construct method, specifying any settings with the Option method, and making the action with the Do or DoOnce method.


The Do method does the action and adds the action to the Edit | Undo list in the Voxler program. The DoOnce method does the action one time. The item is not added to the undo list.


All module and property additions, deletions, or changes are accessed through the Construct command in Voxler automation.












The following script shows how the CommandApi object is accessed and demonstrates using the CommandApi object to open an existing file.


Sub Main

 'Declares VoxlerApp as an object

  Dim VoxlerApp As Object


 'Creates an instance of the Voxler application object

 'and assigns it to the variable named "VoxlerApp"

  Set VoxlerApp = CreateObject("Voxler.Application")


 'Make Voxler visible

  VoxlerApp.Visible = True


 'Access CommandApi

  Set CommandApi = VoxlerApp.CommandApi


 'Open an existing file

  CommandApi.Construct ("Open")

  CommandApi.Option ("Path", VoxlerApp.Path+"\Samples\Gold (ScatterPlot).voxb")



End Sub


Used by: Application object



See Also

Automation Model