World Map
Orthographic Projection
Central Longitude: -90
Central Latitude: 45
Projection Characteristics
The Orthographic projection is an azimuthal projection. In an Orthographic projection, scale is accurate at the center and along any circle circumscribed around the center. Distortion is nil at the center, and increasingly extreme with increasing distance from the center. This projection is useful for "view of globe" or "view from space" pictures of the Earth. A limitation of this projection is that the hemisphere facing away from the center of the projection is not visible. Objects near the edge of the visible hemisphere may be clipped.
Projection Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Name |
Specifies the units used in the map. |
Scale |
Specifies the unit scale of the projected map, relative to meters. For example, a scale of one means one unit in the projected map equals one meter; a scale of two means two units in the projected map equal one meter; etc. |
False Easting |
Specifies the false easting, or horizontal offset, of the projected coordinates, in meters. False Eastings and False Northings are added to the underlying "projected" coordinates as a way to arbitrarily offset their internal XY coordinates after the projection. Unless you have a reason for using these offset values, do not use them. These values do not affect the latitude/longitude coordinates for the map, only the internal coordinates used to plot the map on the screen. If you use False Easting and False Northing offsets for a map, any subsequent boundaries you append to the map must also use these same offsets if you want the imported boundaries to be drawn in the correct relative position to the existing boundaries. |
False Northing |
Specifies the false northing, or vertical offset, of the projected coordinates, in meters. See above. |
Central Longitude |
Specifies the central longitude of the projection in degrees. The Central Longitude value typically should be defined as the longitudinal center of the map you are going to produce. |
Central Latitude |
Specifies the central latitude of the projection in degrees. The Central Latitude value typically should be defined as the latitudinal center of the map you are going to produce. |
See Also
Introduction to Map Projections
Characteristics of Projections