The well appearance can be altered by importing additional data.
Click the File | Import command.
In the Import dialog, select the well file. Select the SampleWellData 2.xlsx again and click Open.
In the XLSX Import Options dialog, select the Samples table and click OK.
In the Property Manager
Again verify that the Output type is set to Wells.
Change the Sheet type property to From / To Logs.
the Log columns property
value to 2 by typing
the value in the field or clicking the button.
Click on the current selection in the Log-2 field and select Column E: MnO from the list.
Click the output connection pad
on the SampleWellData 2.xlsx - Samples
module. Next click the input connection pad
on the WellData module.
In the context menu, select Connect Input worksheet C (not connected) to finish connecting the two modules.
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Next to Displaying Log Data on the Wells