Automation Example - WellData and WellRender


This is an example for WellData and WellRender.



' WellDataModule.bas


' This imports data into a WellData module and modifies its properties.  The

' wells are loaded from three sheets from an Excel workbook to demonstrate

' how complex well data can be loaded from multiple sources and appended to

' an existing well node.



' If Voxler is running, retrieve the current instance of Voxler.  Otherwise,

' create a new instance of Voxler.

Function VoxlerApplication()

   On Error Resume Next

   Set VoxlerApplication = GetObject(, "Voxler.Application")

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then

      Set VoxlerApplication = CreateObject("Voxler.Application")

   End If

   On Error GoTo 0

End Function


Sub Main


 'Retrieve running instance of Voxler or create a new instance of Voxler

  Dim VoxlerApp As Object

  Set VoxlerApp = VoxlerApplication()


 'Make Voxler visible

  VoxlerApp.Visible = True


 'Access CommandApi

  Set CommandApi = VoxlerApp.CommandApi


 'Create a new Voxler document

  CommandApi.Construct ("New")



   'Load the well data from three sheets.  The first sheet contains the collars, the

  'second sheet contains the trajectories, and the third sheet contains example data.

  'Import the Collars table and set the columns____________________________________________________________________________________________________

  'Import the Collars table

  CommandApi.Construct ("Import")

  CommandApi.Option ("Path", VoxlerApp.Path+"Samples\SampleWellData.xlsx")

  CommandApi.Option ("Options", "Defaults=1;Sheet=Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "False")



  'Set OutputType for the Collars table to Wells (0 = Points, 1= Wells)


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("ProgressEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("UndoRedoEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("OutputType", "1")



  'Set WellSheetType for the Collars table to Collars (0 = All, 1 = Collars, 2 = Dir Survey, 3 = From/To, 4 = Logs/Curves, 5 = XYZ path)


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellSheetType", "1")



  'Set Well ID (WellColID) For Collars table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColID", "1")



  'Set Top X column (WellColTopX) For Collars table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColTopX", "1")



  'Set Top Y column (WellColTopY) For Collars table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColTopY", "2")



  'Set Top Z column (WellColTopZ) For Collars table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColTopZ", "3")



  'Set Azimuth column (WellColAz) For Collars table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColAz", "4")



  'Set Vertical Direction to Dip (WellColVertType) For Collars table (0 = Dip, 1 = Inclination)


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColVertType", "0")



  'Set Dip column (WellColVertDip) For Collars table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColVertDip", "5")



  'Set Azimuth column (WellColTotalDepth) For Collars table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColTotalDepth", "6")



  'Import the Trajectories table and set the columns____________________________________________________________________________________________________

  'Import the Trajectories table

  CommandApi.Construct ("Import")

  CommandApi.Option ("Path", VoxlerApp.Path+"Samples\SampleWellData.xlsx")

  CommandApi.Option ("Options", "Defaults=1;Sheet=Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "False")



  'Set OutputType for the Trajectories table to Wells (0 = Points, 1= Wells)


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("ProgressEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("UndoRedoEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("OutputType", "1")



  'Set WellSheetType for the Trajectories table to Dir Survey (0 = All, 1 = Collars, 2 = Dir Survey, 3 = From/To, 4 = Logs/Curves, 5 = XYZ path)


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellSheetType", "2")



  'Set Well ID (WellColID) For Trajectories table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColID", "1")



  'Set Azimuth column (WellColAz) For Trajectories table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColAz", "2")



  'Set Vertical Direction to Inclination (WellColVertType) For Trajectories table (0 = Dip, 1 = Inclination)


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColVertType", "1")



  'Set Dip column (WellColVertInc) For Trajectories table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColVertInc", "2")



  'Set Measured Depth column (WellColVertDip) For Trajectories table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColMeasDepth", "1")



  'Import the Samples table and set the columns____________________________________________________________________________________________________

  'Import the Samples table

  CommandApi.Construct ("Import")

  CommandApi.Option ("Path", VoxlerApp.Path+"Samples\SampleWellData.xlsx")

  CommandApi.Option ("Options", "Defaults=1;Sheet=Samples")

  CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "False")



  'Set OutputType for the Samples table to Wells (0 = Points, 1= Wells)


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Samples")

  CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("ProgressEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("UndoRedoEnabled", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("OutputType", "1")



  'Set WellSheetType for the Samples table to From/To Logs (0 = All, 1 = Collars, 2 = Dir Survey, 3 = From/To, 4 = Logs/Curves, 5 = XYZ path)


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Samples")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellSheetType", "3")



  'Set From column (WellColFrom) For Samples table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Samples")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColFrom", "1")



  'Set To column (WellColTo) For Samples table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Samples")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColTo", "2")



  'Set number of logs (WellColLogCount) For Samples table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Samples")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellColLogCount", "2")



  'Set the first log column (ColLog-1) For Samples table


  CommandApi.Option("Module","SampleWellData.xlsx - Samples")

  CommandApi.Option ("ColLog-1", "2")

  CommandApi.Option ("ColLog-2", "4")



  'Create WellData and WellRender modules and connect them to the data__________________________________________________________________________

  'Add a WellData module using the CreateModule Construct command

  CommandApi.Construct ("CreateModule")


  CommandApi.Option("DefaultPosition", "True")

  CommandApi.Option("SourceModule", "SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")




  'Connect the Weldata and data modules

  CommandApi.Construct ("ConnectModules")

  CommandApi.Option("SourceModule", "SampleWellData.xlsx - Collars")

  CommandApi.Option("TargetModule", "WellData")


  CommandApi.Construct ("ConnectModules")

  CommandApi.Option("SourceModule", "SampleWellData.xlsx - Trajectories")

  CommandApi.Option("TargetModule", "WellData")

  CommandApi.Option("TargetPort", "2")


  CommandApi.Construct ("ConnectModules")

  CommandApi.Option("SourceModule", "SampleWellData.xlsx - Samples")

  CommandApi.Option("TargetModule", "WellData")

  CommandApi.Option("TargetPort", "3")



  'Add a WellRender module using the CreateModule Construct command

  CommandApi.Construct ("CreateModule")


  CommandApi.Option("DefaultPosition", "True")

  CommandApi.Option("SourceModule", "WellData")




  'Add a bounding box for reference

  CommandApi.Construct ("CreateModule")

  CommandApi.Option ("Type", "BoundingBox")

  CommandApi.Option ("AutoConnect", "True")

  CommandApi.Option ("SourceModule", "WellData")



  'Display the data using a default WellRender node

  CommandApi.Option ("Type", "WellRender")


  CommandApi.Construct ("ModifyModule")

  CommandApi.Option ("Module", "WellRender")

  CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderShowLabels", "True")



'Label the wells by their name and modify some label properties

 CommandApi.Construct ("ModifyModule")

 CommandApi.Option ("Module", "WellRender")

 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderShowLabels", "True")


 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderXOffset", "20")


 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderYOffset", "30")


 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderShowLeaderLines", "True")



 'Modify path properties

 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderPathColor", "Yellow")


 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderPathSize", "3")




 'Show interval data.  Logs for interval color, interval size, path color, path size,

 'etc., are retrieved by their name.

 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderIntDataLog", "MnO")



 'Set the color method and log, use 0 for fixed color or 1 for color by log value

 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderIntDataColorMethod", "1")


 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderIntDataColorLog", "MnO")



 'Change the color map

 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderIntDataColormap", "Rainbow")



 'Set the size method and log, use 0 for fixed size or 1 for size by log value

 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderIntDataSizeMethod", "1")


 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderIntDataSizeLog", "TiO2")



 'Turn the interval display on

 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderShowIntData", "True")




 'Turn two wells off.  Note the use of the optional parameter on CommandApi.Option

 'to identify the well.

 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderShowWell", "False", "Well=MW-5")


 CommandApi.Option ("WellRenderShowWell", "False", "Well=MW-2")



End Sub



See Also

Automation Model

WellData Module

WellRender Module