The WellData module is created with the Import command by setting the Type to WellData. The properties of the WellData are altered with the ModifyModule command. This is similar to importing a well data file with the File | Import command and editing the WellData module.
To add additional data to an existing WellData module, import data a second time, setting the CreateModule option to False and the TargetName option to the name of the WellData module.
Module Type
object.Option(“SourceModule”, “data file name”)
object.Option(“Type”, “WellData”)
object.Do() or object.DoOnce()
object.Option(“Module”, “WellData”)
object.Option(“Option_Name”, “OptionValue”)
object.Do() or object.DoOnce()
Option Name
This example shows how to load well data, and change the X top value for one well.
Sub Main
'Declares VoxlerApp as an object
Dim VoxlerApp As Object
'Creates an instance of the Voxler application object
'and assigns it to the variable named "VoxlerApp"
Set VoxlerApp = CreateObject("Voxler.Application")
'Set VoxlerApp = GetObject("Voxler.Application")
'Make Voxler visible
VoxlerApp.Visible = True
'Access CommandApi
Set CommandApi = VoxlerApp.CommandApi
'Load a well data file
CommandApi.Option ("Path", VoxlerApp.Path+"Samples\SampleWellData.xlsx")
CommandApi.Option ("Options", "Defaults=1;Sheet=Collars")
CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "F")
CommandApi.Option ("ImportAsWells", "T")
CommandApi.Option ("StartRow", "2")
CommandApi.Option ("WellNameCol", "1")
CommandApi.Option ("TopXCol", "2")
CommandApi.Option ("TopYCol", "3")
CommandApi.Option ("TopZCol", "4")
CommandApi.Option ("AzCol", "5")
CommandApi.Option ("DipCol", "6")
CommandApi.Option ("TotalDepthCol", "7")
'Modify the WellData module
CommandApi.Option("Module", "WellData")
CommandApi.Option("WellDataXTop", "1000", "MW-1")
End Sub
Example 2
Use this snippet with the above example to add additional data to the WellData module.
'Append the trajectories
CommandApi.Construct ("Import")
CommandApi.Option ("Path", VoxlerApp.Path+"Samples\SampleWellData.xlsx")
CommandApi.Option ("Options", "Defaults=1;Sheet=Trajectories")
CommandApi.Option ("GuiEnabled", "False")
CommandApi.Option ("ImportAsWells", "True")
'We want to append the data to the node "WellData"
CommandApi.Option ("CreateModule", "False")
CommandApi.Option ("TargetName", "WellData")
CommandApi.Option ("StartRow", "2")
CommandApi.Option ("WellNameCol", "1")
CommandApi.Option ("MDCol", "2")
CommandApi.Option ("AzCol", "3")
CommandApi.Option ("IncCol", "4")
Used by: CommandApi object, CreateModule, ModifyModule
See Also