Click the File | Import command,
click the button, right-click
in the Network Manager
and choose Import, or double-click
Import in the Module
Manager to load a data file into a data source module. Depending on the
format of the data, one or more format-specific dialogs may appear. The
loaded data displays as a new icon in the Network
Manager. It can then be connected to other modules in the network.
When this command is selected, the Import dialog displays, allowing one or more files to be selected and loaded. Each data set from each file is loaded into its own source module. Multiple data files can be loaded at once by pressing the SHIFT or CTRL keys while selecting files in the dialog.
The File | Import command opens the Import dialog.
Specify files to import using the Import dialog.
The Import dialog has the following options available:
The Look in field shows the current directory. Click the down arrow to see the directory structure; click the folders to change directories.
The buttons to the right of the Look in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of the file list.
The File list displays files in the current directory, which is listed in the Look in field. The File of type field controls the display of the file list. For example, if Voxler Project Files (*.voxb) is listed in the Files of type field, only *.VOXB files appear in the files list.
The File name field shows the name of the selected file. Type a path and file name into the box to open a specific file.
The Files of type field controls the display of the file list. For example, if Voxler Project Files (*.VOXB) is listed in the Files of type field, only .VOXB files appear in the file list. To see all files in the directory, choose All Files (*.*) from the Files of type list. Double-click a file to open it, or click the file once and then click the Open button.
The Files of type field shows the file format to be imported. To change the file format, click the down arrow and select the file type from the list. All Files (*.*) displays all files in a directory.
Click Open to close the Open dialog and import the specified file. Click Cancel to close the dialog without opening a new file.
The Data Import Options dialog appears only once, even if more than one file is selected. Any changes made in this dialog are automatically applied to all files. If you need to specify different import options for one or more files, you must load them individually.
Voxler automatically attempts to determine the selected file formats. The format of the imported file(s) is determined as follows:
If a particular format is specified in the Files of type list of the Import dialog, that format is used.
If that fails, then a match is made by using the file extension.
If the format still cannot be determined, the Select Format dialog displays and you are prompted to select the format from a list of supported formats.
Voxler supports several different types of data:
Tabular data— such as worksheets, comma-separated variable (CSV), and data files— are loaded into Data Source modules. The data must be organized by columns. For example, one column corresponds to the X coordinate, another to the Y coordinate, etc. You can then specify if the data file contains point or well data in the Property Manager. The columns that contain the X, Y, and Z coordinates along with the columns containing the data at those coordinates are all also specified in the Property Manager.
Log ASCII Standard .LAS files are loaded into a WellData module. Each of the variables in the .LAS file are imported into Voxler as a log component.
Data files that are not in a tabular file format are loaded into a point source module.
Images and bitmaps are loaded as two-dimensional lattices. Grayscale images are converted to 1-byte scalar lattices. Color images are converted to four- component RGBA lattices.
Native three-dimensional lattice data in various proprietary and public formats are supported, including .RAW format.
One-dimensional curvilinear lattices are automatically converted to point sets during import.
Vector formats.
Image stacks are loaded as a three-dimensional lattice. These are usually a series of planar image slices that are meant to be stacked one on top of another to form a three-dimensional volume. The individual slices are often in a standard two-dimensional format like .TIFF, .JPEG, or .DICOM. This type of data is commonly created by medical imaging equipment.
If all of the images are selected at once and the sizes are identical, Voxler attempts to combine them into a single three-dimensional lattice. The slices are combined in alphabetical order according to the file names. The stacking starts at the bottom (Z=1) and proceeds upward. Simultaneous selection is most easily achieved by first clicking the first slice and then holding down the SHIFT key and clicking the last slice. The resulting source module takes the name of the first loaded image. The name of the last file is listed next to File Path in the Property Manager.
When loading image bitmap files with coordinates, the coordinate information comes from a geotiff (internal information) or external files.
See Also