Voxler Documentation

All of the available Voxler user documentation is included in the online help and the quick start guide. Check the Voxler support forum, FAQs, knowledge base, and technical support for additional information.


If you prefer printed documentation, the online help file can be printed in part or in full. See Printing the Online Help for more information.


For a full length guide that is arranged in a book-format with an index and table of contents, it is recommended that you purchase the additional user's guide. You can place your order for this guide on our website at www.goldensoftware.com.


A Note About the Documentation

The Voxler documentation includes the online help and the quick start guide. Use the Help | Contents command in the program to access the detailed online help. Information about each command and feature in Voxler is included in the online help. In the event the information cannot be located in the online help, other sources of Voxler help include our support forum, frequently asked questions, knowledge base, and contacting our technical support engineers.


Various font styles are used throughout the Voxler quick start guide and online help. Bold text indicates menu commands, dialog names, and page names. Italic text indicates items within a dialog such as modules, group box names, options, and field names. For example, the Import dialog contains a Look in list. Bold and italic text may occasionally be used for emphasis.


In addition, menu commands appear as File | Import. This means, "click on the File menu at the top of the plot window and then click on Import within the File menu list." The first word is always the menu name, followed by the commands within the menu list.



See Also

Voxler Help

Printing the Online Help

Tutorial Introduction