There are several ways to obtain help in Voxler:
Within Voxler, the online help file is opened with the Help | Contents or Help | Tutorial commands. Alternatively, press F1 at anytime to open the Voxler Help window and access the help books and help pages.
You can navigate the Voxler Help window using the Contents, Index, Search, and Favorites pages. See Help Contents for details on navigating the Voxler Help window.
To obtain information about dialogs or highlighted commands:
Press the F1 button to find out the function of the highlighted menu command or open dialogs.
the button in dialogs
to open the help topic pertaining to that dialog.
Determine the function of highlighted menu commands or open dialogs by pressing F1.
the button or press SHIFT+F1
on your keyboard, and click a menu command, toolbar button, or screen
region to view information about that item.
the button at the top
of the Property Manager to
obtain specific information about the selected object type.
There are several Internet help resources.
Click the or
buttons at the top of the online help to research a question or to
post a question.
Use the Help | Feedback commands to send a Problem Report, Suggestion, or Information Request by email.
Search our website at or use the Help | Golden Software on the Web commands for additional help, including training videos.
The Golden Software website has a variety of resources including training videos, a support forum, a newsletter, a user image gallery, and a variety of free downloads.
Discover the new features in Voxler 4 that make the product easier to use. New features are also listed on the Golden Software website.
The tutorial is a great way to get started in Voxler. The tutorial is designed to introduce you to some of Voxler's basic features. After you have completed the tutorial, you should be able to begin creating your own projects. The lessons should be completed in order; however, they do not need to be completed in one session. If you are using the demo version of Voxler, you will not be able to complete some of the tutorial steps that require saving or exporting. The demo version is a fully functional read-only version of the program. When this is a factor it is noted in the text and you are directed to proceed to the next step that can be accomplished with the demo.
The Voxler documentation includes the online help and the quick start guide. Use the Help | Contents command in the program to access the detailed online help. Information about each command and feature in Voxler is included in the online help. In the event the information cannot be located in the online help, other sources of Voxler help include our support forum, frequently asked questions, knowledge base, and contacting our technical support engineers.
See Also