Google Earth Keyhole Markup .KML and. KMZ File Description


Voxler can import .KML and .KMZ files. KML and KMZ files are imported into Voxler as a geometry source module.


.KML and .KMZ files are used by Google Earth to display information, such as contour maps or point locations, on Google Earth maps. Both .KML and .KMZ files contain the same information. The difference is that  .KMZ files are compressed versions of .KML files.


Coordinate System

.KML and .KMZ files require that the coordinates be in latitude and longitude degrees.



Voxler does not import marker symbols, labels, icons, or text in KML and KMZ files. If the marker symbol can be exported to the KML or KMZ file as rendered curves, as when exporting a plot in Golden Software's Surfer, then the lines representing the marker symbol will be imported into Voxler.


When an imported KML or KMZ file contains point locations as marker symbols or icons, as when exported from Google Earth, a point source module is also created upon import. The point locations can be represented by connecting a ScatterPlot module to the point source module.


Import Options Dialog

No import options are displayed.



See Also

File Format Chart