Still Draw Style

Click the View | Still Draw Style command to select a still draw style, the drawing style used to draw non-spinning graphics. Click the View | Animating Draw Style command to select the drawing style used to draw spinning graphics.


The still drawing style temporarily disables graphics and enables Voxler to render the geometry more quickly.


Still Drawing Styles

The different still draw styles are described below.


Still Draw Style


Image Example

As Is

Render the geometry as specified with its original style.


This is the default selection.

As Is

Hidden Line

Render the scene in "hidden line" mode; that is, as wireframe with no see-through.


Note: this is a more memory intensive way to render an image, as the scene must be rendered twice to achieve the effect of hiding lines behind the invisible geometry.

Hidden Line

Wireframe Overlay

Render the scene as normal, but overlay a set of lines showing the contours of all polygons.

Wireframe Overlay

No Texture

Render the scene without textures.

No Texture

Low Resolution

Render all complex shape types with low complexity to improve rendering performance. The term "complex" in this context refers to spheres, cones, cylinders, NURBS surfaces, and others which are tessellated to polygons before being rendered.

Low Resolution


Render all polygon geometry in wireframe mode. All polygons are drawn with lines only (no fill).



Render only the vertex positions of the geometry.


Bounding Box (no depth)

Render the scene's bounding boxes instead of rendering the full geometry.


This mode is an efficient way to optimize rendering performance for scenes with high primitive counts while moving the camera about.


Displaying only the bounding box while in motion may be useful to rotate to a new location.

Drawing Box (No Depth)



See Also

Animating Draw Style

Transparency Type

View Menu Commands