Animating Draw Style

Click the View | Animating Draw Style command to select an animated drawing style, the drawing style used to draw spinning graphics. Choose the View | Still Draw Style command to select the drawing style used to draw non-spinning graphics.


The type of animated drawing style selected may affect the quality and size of a captured video. Adjust the animated drawing style before choosing the Actions | Capture Video command.


Animating Drawing Styles

The different animating draw styles are described below.


Animating Draw Style


Image Example

Same as Still


Render the scene in the same manner as the scene with a still camera. This is the default selection.


Depends on the Still Draw Style selection.

No Texture

Render the scene without textures.

No Texture

Low Resolution

Render all complex shape types with low complexity to improve rendering performance. The term "complex" in this context refers to spheres, cones, cylinders, NURBS surfaces, and others which are tessellated to polygons before being rendered.

Low Resolution


Render all polygon geometry in wireframe mode. All polygons are drawn with lines only (no fill).


Low Res Wireframe
(no depth)

Render the scene as a wireframe. All polygons are drawn with lines only (no fill).  No correction for depth is made.



Render only the vertex positions of the geometry.


Low Res Points (no depth)

Render the scene as vertex points without correcting for depth.


Bounding Box
(no depth)

Render the scene's bounding boxes instead of rendering the full geometry. Note: Setting this mode for the Animating Draw Style is a very efficient way to optimize rendering performance for scenes with high primitive counts while moving the camera position.

Drawing Box (No Depth)



See Also

Still Draw Style

Transparency Type

View Menu Commands

Actions | Capture Video