The application or document control menu Minimize command changes the size of the active application or document window.
Click the button in the Voxler application title bar to reduce the application window to the Windows task bar. Right-click on the Voxler application icon in the task bar and select Restore to return the Voxler application window to its previous size and position.
Click the button in the Viewer window title bar to reduce the Viewer window to a short title bar at the bottom of the Voxler window. Click the
button on the left side of the short title bar and choose the Restore command, double-click the title bar, or click the
button to return the window to its previous size and position.
To minimize the window:
Click the button
Click the icon in the upper left corner of the title bar and select Minimize
Press ALT+SPACEBAR+N (Voxler application window) or ALT+HYPHEN+N (document in the Viewer window)
See Also
Application/Document Control Close
Application/Document Control Maximize
Control Move (Application Window or Viewer Window)