
To copy a module to the clipboard, click on the module in the Network Manager to select it. Click the Edit | Copy command, the Copy Module button, press CTRL+C on the keyboard, or right-click on a module in the Network Manager and select Copy from the context menu.


A copied module can be pasted into the Network Manager using the Edit | Paste command in order to create a duplicate. Modules can be pasted to a new document, as well. All properties of the original module are remembered in the pasted module.


This command is disabled (grayed out on the Edit menu and toolbar) if no module is selected.


Copy - Worksheet

Click the Edit | Copy command, click the button, or press CTRL+C on the keyboard to copy the selected cells to the clipboard. The original objects remain in the window. Use this command to duplicate cells in a different location in the same window, or copy the objects into a different window or application. The copied objects can later be pasted with the Paste or Paste Special commands.


Only one set of data may be placed in the clipboard at a time. The next Cut or Copy command replaces the contents of the clipboard.



See Also

Paste Module

Delete Module

Delete All Modules

Edit Menu Commands

Edit Menu Commands - Worksheet

Connecting Modules

Keyboard Commands

The Network Manager

Introduction to Modules