Click the File | Export command
or the button to export the
entire scene as an inventor scene
graph .IV file or one of several different image file
formats. This is a graphics-only export, i.e., no data are saved for
this operation. Voxler is designed
to export the visible portion of the plot when using the File
| Export command. It uses the monitor to define the limits of the
exported image. To export a larger or smaller portion of the display,
zoom in or out prior to export.
When a scene is exported as an image file format, the Export Options dialog appears. This dialog allows you to specify various options for the exported file. Each file type has slightly different options. Refer to the specific file format for those options.
The File | Export command opens the Export dialog.
Set the directory and file name in the Export dialog.
The Export dialog contains the following options:
The Save in field shows the current directory. Click the down arrow to see the directory structure; click the folders to change directories.
The buttons to the right of the Save in field allow you to create new folders and change the view of the file list.
The File list displays files in the current directory, which is listed in the Look in field. The Save as type field controls the display of the file list. For example, if BMP Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) is listed in the Save as type field, only BMP files appear in the files list.
The File name field shows the name of the selected file. Type a path and file name into the box to save the file with a a specific name.
The Save as type field controls the display of the file list and the file type for the exported file. For example, if BMP Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) is listed in the Save as type field, only BMP files appear in the files list. Click a file to place the file name in the File name field.
The Save as type field shows the file format to be exported. To change the file format, click the down arrow and select the file type from the list. All Files (*.*) displays all files in a directory. Voxler allows .VOXB files to be saved with the File | Save As command. To create other file types, use the File | Export or File | Save Data commands.
Export files by typing a name into the File name field and selecting a file type from the Save as type field. For example, typing MYIMAGE in the File name field and choosing BMP Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) from the Save as type drop down menu results in MYIMAGE.BMP. The extension is automatically added. If a file extension is typed in the box along with the file name, the file type is determined by the typed extension. For example, if MYIMAGE.TIF is typed in the File name box, the file saves as a .TIF regardless of what is set in the Save as type field.
Click Save to close the Save As dialog and export the specified file. An Export Options dialog will likely appear. Click Cancel to close the dialog without exporting the file.
Export Format Types
JPEG Compressed Bitmap .JPG, .JPEG
Portable Network Graphics .PNG
Portable Bitmap .PNM, .PPM, .PGM, .PBM
RGB Silicon Graphics SGI RGB Image .RGB, .RGBA, .BW
See Also