Select Slices Dialog


The Select Slices dialog appears when a multi- slice uniform lattice is output to an image or DEM format. The output occurs as a series of slices in the Z direction.


Select Slices Dialogs

Select a multi- slice uniform lattice, choose the File | Save Data command, and select an image or DEM file format to open the Select Slices dialog.

Select Slices
Specify the range of the slices to export as individual files,
making note of a slice number to skip (if any).


You are prompted for the range of slices to output and a file name template for use in adding the slice number to each generated file name.



Click the OK button to save your changes and close the dialog.



Click the Cancel button to close the dialog without saving your changes.



See Also

Export Options

JPEG Image Export Options Dialog

PLOT3D Export Options Dialog

RAW Export Options Dialog

TIFF Image Export Options Dialog

File Format Chart